Since its founding in 1993, Spectrum Metal Finishing, Inc. has been a major force in the metal coatings industry.

We offer facilities and capabilities not found at any other company within a 500-mile radius. We have shipped our products to customers and job sites throughout the United States, Eastern Canada, the Pacific Rim and the Caribbean.

535 Bev Rd. Youngstown OH 44512 Spectrum Metal Finishing

Spectrum Metal Finishing, Inc.’s headquarters are in Youngstown, Ohio, the birthplace of the aluminum extrusion industry. We’re located just one hour from Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Recent News

  • The University of Pennsylvania – Nanotechnology Center wins the top university project for 2013 with the help of Spectrum Metal Finishing. Click here to view article
  • Uptown Cleveland Condos project receives award for 2013 MCN Building and Roofing Overall Winner with the help of Spectrum Metal Finishing. Click here to view article