Ensuring a Defect-Free Finish

Mistakes in the manufacturing and application process can cause a paint job to display unwelcome defects.

At Spectrum Metal, we work hard to make sure that flaws often seen as the result of a less careful approach will never affect your paint job.


Blister-like swollen areas

Cratering when blisters burst

Finish will have pinpoint holes

Solvent is trapped due to film build

Baking begun too quickly, without sufficient flash-off time

SOP’s and automated equipment allows for controlled application

Flash-off time closely monitored

Temperature is increased gradually via multi-zone oven controls

Adhesion failurePaint peels or flakes

Surface is contaminated with grease, oil, etc.

Surface has not been properly prepared.Paint has not been properly cured.

Pre-treatment processes to ensure optimum chemical composition.

Monthly sampling to test for proper coating weight.Close control of ovens to assure proper curing.

Light coverageSubstrate surface shows through paint.Inadequate film build.Electronic fields (Faraday cage effect) may interfere with adhesion.

Discuss project parameters with customer to ensure all areas of part are covered.

Basecoat applied to difficult-to-reach areas using automated equipment.Recessed areas are hand-sprayed.

Inconsistent colorColor varies from job-to-job or part-to-part

Variations in paint quality from batch to batch.

Inadequate agitation during production.

Burnt material, over baking.

Full inspection of all paints, whether from outside sources or blended in-house.

Consistency assured by proper agitation.Ovens under tight control to prevent burning or over baking.

Rack marksSome areas on part get less than full coverage, or no paint at all

Racks directly contacting or in close proximity to part result in light coverage areas, or no paint.

Blotchy sections on part caused by excessive paint build-up on rack softening in the oven; the part then sinks into the rack.

Minimal contact between part and rack due to carefully designed racks.

Racks kept clean, with minimal build-up, due to aggressive maintenance schedule.

Wet mill marks1½-inch indentations on an exposed surfaceWet mil measurements taken to determine the thickness of a coating.

Automated, controlled application results in consistent paint film thickness, so wet mil testing can be done less frequently.

Hand-spray sweep after measurements minimizes wet mil marks.